Saturday 4 January 2014

Seeds of Love 2014 - seed list for Stephen Taylor

Firstly a big Thank you to Isabelle and Laurence for all their hard work in setting up SOL. To those I’ve won seed from I let out a big cheer and I’m very grateful indeed!   

The following are Winners on this occasion!

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1 / Centaurea 'Phoenix hybrids' 

I bought 3 of these plants from nursery woman Marina Christopher of Phoenix Perennials, at one of the plantsman days she holds at the famous Bury Court Garden in 2012. This is the first year that they have flowered and I have just collected the seed. These plants have been used in various Chelsea Flower Show gardens (see left image) - Andy Sturgeon's best in show 2010. 


2 / Dark Cosmos Mix – Cosmos ‘Dazzler’ and ‘Rubenza’ 

I bought the original seeds from Sarah Raven. They grew to about 5 feet and I've collected the seed. They are a Half-Hardy Annual. Sow in March indoors or direct sow April-June. Grow in full sun. 

3/ Phlomis russeliana  

A hairy perennial to 90cm in height, with large, ovate, rough-textured grey-green leaves. Stout stems bear whorls of hooded, soft yellow flowers 3cm in length. Sow seed at 13-18°C in spring.

4 / Cynara cardunculus


C. cardunculus is a robust herbaceous perennial to 2.5m forming a clump of silvery-grey, pinnatifid, spiny leaves up to 1m in length. Large thistle-like purple flowers in late summer and autumn. Can be sown in pots in a cold frame.

5 / Stachys byzantina


A vigorous evergreen carpeting perennial to 20cm tall, grown for its dense mat of grey-white elliptic leaves to 10cm long which forms a striking ground cover.

Sow in Spring use a well drained soil and “just cover” with a thin layer of compost or vermiculite as the seeds need light to germinate. keep the compost a little on the dry side. Water from the base of the container (never water directly onto seeds or foliage of seedlings).